MEMEMultiple EM (Expectation Maximization) for Motif Elicitation(DNA analysis tool) MEMEMultiple Entry, Multiple Exit(computing) Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, ...
TTC stand for? TTC is an acronym mainly used for the Toronto Transit Commission. On fertility discussion spaces, it is also used for trying to conceive. It does have a textspeak usage as text the cell … but that’s just kind of weird....
DM Dank Memes DM Dry Matter (weight of cattle feed excluding water) DM Dungeon Master DM Direct Marketing DM Data Mining DM Data Management DM Direct Mail DM Drum DM Doom (computer game) DM Discrete Mathematics DM Disease Management DM Document Management DM Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit fly) ...
Lolisubculture can be found in manga, anime, and even advertisements.Lolihave been around for a long time to bring a fun and lively atmosphere to television shows, regardless of their age. The loli lifestyle in the west is steadily growing. This includes popular memes like the famous ‘loli...
TTTHCS What does TTTHCS stand for? 26 -4 Things that Tim Howard could save An acronym for the popular "Things that Tim Howard could save" Internet meme. Tim Howard, the goalie for theUSMNTsoccer team, gave a spectacular performance in the 2014 World Cup knockout game between Belgium and...
What Does GMFU Stand For? GMFU is an acronym for “Got Me F*ed Up.” Whenever This expression is used to show strong emotions such as frustration, disbelief, or astonishment. Can Anyone Use the GMFU Term? Slang terms like GMFU are prevalent online and can be used by anyone, including...
The most popular memes are usually found on the internet and may be images, videos, phrases, or hashtags. They often convey a humorous point of view, cultural reference, or satirical message. How does a meme work? A meme is a cultural phenomenon that is spread through social media or ...
The LGBTQ meaning has evolved over time. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, but what does the Q, I and A stand for? Here's a history of all the terms used in the LGBTQ community.
theme and thousands of void meme examples exist online. Void memes are a great way to engage with friends and network online. They are easy to make and many people find them hilarious. If you want to use them, just make sure you understand what they stand for and how to make them ...
What Does WYM Really Mean Online? Learn the Definition of 'Facepalm' and Its Relation to '/Facepalm' What Does OTOH Mean? What Does LMA Mean? What Does DD Stand For? What Does RT Mean? What Does LOML Mean? What Does WYSIWYG Mean?