What does the medical term paroxysmal mean? What is the correct medical term meaning 'middle of the body?' Write the medical term for the following definition: coin-sized or coin-shaped. What is the correct medical term meaning 'slanting/inclined?' Identify the term being described or defi...
What does the term idiopathic mean when it is used in reference to seizures? What is a medical term for the following definition: any horny growth, such as a wart or callosity. What does malignant mean in terms of biology? Define the following word part in the skeletal system. intra...
Definitions include: British term for vehicles produced by Mercedes-Benz, not used in US due to confusion with Ford division Mercury. cor Definitions include: UK variant of "God". UBI Definitions include: acronym for "unexplained beer injury", used on medical charts by doctors in the UK. ...
Definitions include: acronym for "circling the drain" (i.e. about to die,) used on medical charts by doctors in the UK. what it says on the tin Definitions include: as advertised. nick, the Definitions include: prison or jail.
Medical Problems In The Past - Myomectomy (failed & left ovary sucked into incision), emergency hysterectomy w/ left oopherectomy, … Very mild pain on left side of abdomen I have been having a slight uncomfortable feeling (I wouldn't term it as pain though) on the left hand portion of...
What does Leuk mean? Leuk-: Prefix meaningwhite, as in leukemia. Leuk-and leuko-, the form used before a consonant, come from the Greek "leukos" meaning white. What is the medical term for black? Melan/ois the term for the color black. ...
The following are the common blood tests and what they mean: Full Blood Count (FBC) or Complete Blood Count (CBC) This is a blood test to check your blood count. This is perhaps one of the most commonly-used blood tests in the world. ...
Does following a type 2 diabetes diet mean I won’t need to take insulin? It might. For people with type 2 diabetes, your pancreas produces plenty of insulin that is not sensed by the cells, so your body is unable to properly use the insulin you make. Usually, type 2 diabetes can be...
There’s another birthing professional besides your doctor or midwife? Yes, and they are more necessary than you could ever imagine.Adoulais a trained professional who gives continuous physical (non-medical) and emotional support to expecting mothers.I like to call them birthing angels. Some doulas...
Define pnea as a medical term What does NKDA mean in medical settings? What does BUN mean in veterinary medicine? What does POMR stand for in medical terms? What does AVAPS stand for in medicine? What does BAR mean in veterinary medicine?