3. What does “locally sourced”ingredients mean?a. Food that has been grown/ produced close by.b. Food that has been bought from a local supermarket.c. Food from different countries. A. Food that has been grown/ produced close by. B. Food that has been bought from a local supermarket...
解析 D。“All natural ingredients”意思是“全是天然成分”,选项 A“Only artificial ingredients”是“只有人工成分”,选项 B“Some natural ingredients”是“一些天然成分”,选项 C“No natural ingredients”是“没有天然成分”,都不符合“All natural ingredients”的意思,所以选 D。
In the sentence, “During the cooking process, chefs pick choice and various ingredients” , what doeschoice mean? () A.挑选 B.选择 C.精挑细选的 D.仔细推敲的 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题[填空1]年11月28日,中国“藏医药浴法”被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作...
9.Whatdoestheunderlinedword”perils”inParagraph3mostprobablymean? A.Dangers. B.Self-drivingcars. C.Pedestrians. D.Human-drivencars. 10.Inwhichaspectcanself-drivingcarsbeathuman-drivencars? A.Drivingsteadily. B.Climbingsteepslopes. C.Evaluatingthecostofloss. D.Makingcomplexdecisions. 11.Whereisthete...
年 1 月 25 日起实施的供电分公司《特种设备管理规定》中规定,压力容器是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备,其范围规定为最高工作压力大于或者等于[XX][表压] 的气体、液化气体和最高工作温度高于或者等于标准沸点的液体、容积大于或者等于( )L 且内直径[非圆形截面指截面内边界最大几何尺寸]大于或者等于...
Other agents with the same active ingredients, like Ozempic (semaglutide), Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and Rybelsus (semaglutide) are approved for blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes, but have also been prescribed "off-label" for weight loss. “Off-label” means they may be prescribed by your...
I mean how can people change their lifestyle without the truth? I had no idea, my oncologist never even offered me a nutritional pamplet, that cancer fed on sugars, & so many other processed foods. It should be recommended, a nutritional consultation to go with that cancer diagnosis, I ...
What doesvegetarianmean? The wordvegetariancan be an adjective (as in avegetariandiet) or a noun (as inI’m a vegetarian).Vegetariansdo not eat meat. Somevegetariansmay also avoid using some animal products (such as leather) that involve the death of the animal, but the wordvegetarianis pri...
The agency conducts preapproval inspections for companies that applied to market new products. Inspections may be launched for cause if there is an issue reported at a facility. Such recalls can be the result of undeclared ingredients in the contents, which can pose risks for consumers with aller...