CrawfordSophia Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
Many of you, also, have told me you use, as guidance, the categorical imperative of Immanuel Kant, “to act only in accordance with a maxim that you can at the same time will to become a universal law,” or, in more plain language, you wouldn’t act in a way you wouldn’t want...
In Kant’s view, the basic problem with utilitarianism is that it judges actions by their consequences. If your action makes people happy, it’s good; if it does the reverse, it’s bad. But is this actually contrary to what we might call moral common sense? Consider this question: Who ...
If the agent is free in the sense spelled out by Kant’s Incorporation Thesis, then even a strong inclination can- not, in principle, determine her to reverse the proper order of the two principles. And if that is so, then what could it mean to say, even in principle, that her incli...
This question is morally obvious to a human but a robot does not have empathy and feelings of urgency and emergency. Hence, it needs rules to make the decision. To solve the toddler problem the robot must have an understanding of causation. If the toddler remains in the water he or she ...
What does impertinent mean (from The American)? I know that the verb pluck means to pull out or pull at, but what's the definition when used as a noun? Which novels would you recommend to 15-year-olds on the theme of places and forms of power? In The Pearl, why didn't John Ste...
商务课后答案.docx,(p. 9) Explain how a company competes using outsourcing. Provide an example. Companies compete by outsourcing manufacturing activities to the optimal location wherever in the world that may be given production and transportation costs.