What does Filioque mean in Christianity? Filioque, (Latin:“and from the Son”), phrase added to the text of the Christian creed by the Western church in the Middle Ages and considered one of the major causes of the schism between the Eastern and Western churches. What does begotten not m...
What does Eveline by James Joyce mean? What personality type was James Joyce? What criticism was leveled at Joyce's book Finnegans Wake? How does James Joyce use epiphanies in Dubliners? What is the overall structure of Hell by James Joyce?
What is another word formagnum opus? Needsynonyms for magnum opus? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts A masterpiece, or a great work of literature or art A creative or artistic work or production ...
Anyway, I think the idea of a magnum opus is pretty neat. I think we would all like to be able to hold something in our hands (or point to something) and say "This is the culmination of my life's work." Unfortunately for those of us who aren't artists or writers, that's not ...
Coming up with a suitable title for my new book took me ages, and in the end someone had to come to my rescue. But in the months before I finally threw in the towel, I beguiled many a harmless half- hour by seeking inspiration in the titles of other gatherings of essays, ...
“There is another problem: that with all its wonderfulness, the book … does not have a reason; it’s a brilliant exercise in invention, but …it isn’t really about anything.” After her son’s death, Thelma Toole became mired in mournful thoughts herself. The manuscript that contained...
Which has meant I have been buried in e-owls asking the question, ‘”What doessolve et coagulamean?” Beatrice Groves has written something on the subject which I assume will be definitive but MuggleNet.com has been down (waydown, as in “transitioning to new ownership”) so I don’t ...
Anyway, I think the idea of a magnum opus is pretty neat. I think we would all like to be able to hold something in our hands (or point to something) and say "This is the culmination of my life's work." Unfortunately for those of us who aren't artists or writers, that's not ...