A lot is an adverb or pronoun that means “a large quantity,” while allot is a verb that means “to set aside for a specific purpose.” Alot is a misspelling of a lot. What are some examples of how a lot and allot are used in sentences? Here is an example of how to use a ...
inworking-agepeople,oftenwithchildren,before theageof60.Theratesofdeathamongparticipantsinthisgroupdidclearlyshowracialdifferences,withapproximately9% ofblacksdyingat anearlyagecomparedto6% ofwhites.There werealsodifferencesincausesofdeathbyrace. Forinstance,black men weresignificantly more likelytodieofmurderan...
What doesa lotmean? As a noun,a lotmeans “a large number, quantity, or amount,” as inThat’s a lot of cheese!orI only have a few hobbies, but my husband has a lot. As an adverb,a lotmeans “very much” or “a great deal,” as inI love you a lot, or “often,” as in...
What does equivalent mean in maths? In maths, ‘equivalent’ means that two (or more) values, quantities etc. are the same. What is an equivalent fraction with example? Equivalent fractions are fractions that may look different but are actually represent the same quantity. 2/3 and 6/9 are...
“So what tells us is that they consider zero as an actual quantity along the number line.” Aurore Avargues-Weber, a researcher with the University of Toulouse, points out even very young children have trouble understanding that zero is a number. “It’s easy for them to count ‘one, ...
It can feel like a complicated process, but working with an IT professional if needed will save a lot of headaches in the future. Sending from your own domain, and having it fully authenticated with DKIM and DMARC will help you build a good reputation and improve your brand recognition. ...
To cut through the noise, you must have a strong brand image. Discover how to build and grow the brand image that boosts your bottom line.
This should offer a clearer yet still approachable overview of the essential questions in cluster analysis. Non-scalar data in cluster analysis So far, we’ve mainly talked about scalar data – things that differ from each other by degrees along a scale, such as numerical quantity or degree. ...
Throughput is the quantity of a service or product a company is able to produce over a certain period. Throughput, in business, is the amount of a product or service that a company can produce and deliver to a client within a specified period of time. The term is often used in the con...
There are a few different ways to bid on government contracts. You may have to register your company with the appropriate agency or website in order to compete for these jobs. Most government contracts are open for bids through a sealed-bid process, which means you can't see how your comp...