"Lollygag," also known historically as "lallygag," comes intoEnglish in the mid-19th century meaning to dawdle. However, at that time, "lollygag" also meant to fool around. Yes, that kind of fooling around. What does goof mean in slang? :a silly or stupid person. : a careless or st...
M: Lollygagging. C: Being kind of slow. M: Hm, I’m the opposite. I usually… I usually start getting ready later, like if we have to leave at nine, I start getting ready at 8:30, but I’ll be really by nine. C: Uhu. M: Because I… I take a shower real fast, get dres...
“That between the two of us, I’m better at this than you are. The loafing, hobbying, pass-timing, lollygagging, and all around general personing.” Xohan does think this. Free-form living came easily to Sholo who had thrown away his secretary role, who desired clothes purely for styl...
M: Lollygagging. C: Being kind of slow. M: Hm, I’m the opposite. I usually… I usually start getting ready later, like if we have to leave at nine, I start getting ready at 8:30, but I’ll be really by nine. C: Uhu. M: Because I… I take a shower real fast, get dres...