The name “Zion”originally comes from Isaac Behunin, a Mormon pioneer. Isaac Behunin settled the Zion Canyon in 1863 near today's Zion Lodge, where he farmed tobacco, corn and fruit trees. ... For Mormon pioneers, Zion was often used to mean the Kingdom of Heaven, sanctuary or a happy...
We thought we would never live here. In this park, I mean. We had another “senior” park all picked out but it just didn’t gel. And we got tired of waiting. When we moved in, our neighbor had quite a few negative things to say about the park and management in general. We thou...
Raymond Cass Foundation.Afterlife connection: Raymond was the UK pioneer in the work related to the phenomenon known as EVP/afterlife ( Electronic Voice Phenomena). read more... LINKING AFTERDEATH WITH SUB ATOMIC PHYSICS–Sir Oliver Lodgewas one off the greatest scientists of the twentieth century...
Not to mention transforming the whole world in the process with Gods glory wrapped around you shining like the Lords love hanging there on his bloody cross! Please the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father by being at the very least kind to a poor, needy person, family!? That’s was a lit...
The reason I bring this up is because the street we lived on – Lindley Terrace – on one end, some of the houses had a steep gradient on the backside – I mean really steep!!! However, the houses were built on a predominantly flat surface. The house my parents bought was on one ...
What does this mean? What is “negative reality”? If I lack food, how is this not an example of a “very existent reality”? If I am cruel and bereft of compassion, ask the victims of my cruelty whether my cruelty was an “existent reality”! Obviously, it is. Common sense will ...
A white feather had managed to lodge itself between my window and the screen, in a place I could not reach to remove it. This occurred the day he died and it remained lodged in-between the glass and screen until one day it just disappeared. Honestly, I cannot remain a skeptic forever...
So, what does all of this mean? Well, maybe group human consciousness has created the world we see, an egregore of sorts, which we see about us and the brain is used to bring it together as a meaningful accommodating place for humans to live in physical form. I think we all need to...
we are a Research Lodge let’s run with it.Some will be lost, or not able to make sense of what is being said, but at least we all should LEARN something.Therefore, with this paper, my aim is to strip away the veneer from CRC, just as scholars are now doing with Jesus.Is this...
I would like to lodge a complaint: having recently chanced upon Skeptoid podcasts, I have become so addicted to listening to current and past episodes of Skeptoid by Brian Dunning that it has seriously encroached into time I might have otherwise spent falling asleep on the train, staring into...