The benefits are substantial for both gardener and planet. With human inputs dramatically reduced, the garden’s ecology can develop well. Established matrix gardens should not need the life support we give most gardens: fertilizer, dividing, regular watering. Compared to traditional garden plots, t...
But about 250 million years ago, the Permian Period ended with a rapid mass extinction, something happened that wiped out 75% of the land animals and over 95% of ocean life. So what was it? What could have caused this? Well, with the all the evidence that it was an asteroid that led...
What does it mean to live green? Have you ever thought about going green in your own life?Helpful Expressions使用节能灯泡 use energy efficient light bulbs临睡前关掉开关 switch off before going to sleep停止使用一次性购物袋 stop using throw-away shopping bags使用可再生能源,比如太阳能 use renewable...
30. What does the word “challenge” mean in the news item? A. Balance between human survival and ecology. B. Conflict between less land and more production. C. Difference between present and future needs. D. Calls by environmental critics to consume less meat. ...
22 Life-casting requires more skill than sculpture does. 23 New art encourages us to look at earlier work in a fresh way. 24 The intended meaning of a work of art can get lost over time. Questions 25 and 26 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write the correct letter in bo...
When to go to a vet if your cat isn’t drinking water Where an Activity Tracker can help you catch an illness early Wrapping up: Why is my cat not drinking water? How much water does my cat need? As a rule of thumb, an adult domestic cat that weighs 11 lbs/5 kg should drink ap...
Part C-What Sports Mean to Me 3.Task 2 Create a dialogue with your partner according to the following situation, referring to the Cues if necessary. A: Sports enrich my life. I particularly love basketball. I often watch and play it. ...
4 Does he have a toothache? Yes, he does. He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 5 What should she do? She should take her temperature. 6 Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should No, you shouldn’t. 教学难点:掌握情态动词should shouldn’t.的用法 ...
书面表达 Write a short passage (120 words) about the globe problem “Water Pollution”according to the questions below: 1.What causes water pollution? 2.What harm does water pollution to the world?
What does working capital mean? Working capital is the difference between a business’s current assets (e.g., cash, accounts receivable, and inventories) and current liabilities (e.g., accounts payable and short-term debt). It’s an essential financial metric that helps ensure a company has...