What does MLS mean?MLS means My Life Sucks , My Little Sister .Terms relating to MLSALAP - As Late/Long/Little As Possible BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BRONY - Fan of My Little Pony DLS - Dirty Little Secret ELH - Every Little Helps ILYLAS - I Love You Like A Sister LAL -...
I may give the Show more credit than it deserves, but right now I think it tries to ask questions like: Are you really happy in your current relationship? What do you really expect from a marriage? Does your partner really sees YOU (and you Him)? Are you still on the same page?
[1] does not go the route of long drawn out misunderstandings. [2] our OTP is surprising frank with each other. I guess it's not too surprising given their long professional relationship and what they mean to each other.