you could increase the upper age for free transport for young people in rural areas from 16 up to thede factoif notde jureleaving age of 18 from where it now stops at 16. Start by offering it this September to those staying in the same school. This is a levelling up programme for ru...
Though the first wave of the OfS review has yet to report, the signalling is strong that a survey the sector has invested in lovingly over the last 15 years may suddenly mean very little in regulatory terms – though it may continue to feed into league tables and public informatio...
and retired tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and peasants -- all these sink gradually into the proletariat, partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which Modern Industry is carried on, and is swamped in the competition with the large capitalists, partly beca...
The next step was to name each of the scenario worlds in a way that would sum up each one instantly. We initially named each of the scenarios after symbolic states (USA, China, Sweden, and Australia). However, this approach suffered from being both too generalist and too specific. Moreove...
Even if we put prejudice, ‘culture wars’ and ‘levelling up’ to one side, we still have government ministers that believe student satisfaction is too high, too many students are making the wrong decisions and that too many are doing full-time degrees in the wrong subjects and at the wro...
It affects and bereaves it In advance, like the ghost it will become, but this is precisely where haunting begins. And its time, and the untimeliness of its present, of its being “out of joint.” To haunt does not mean to be present, and it is necessary to introduce haunting into ...
. . statistics show quite definitely that there has been a levelling out, an equalisation, in the village, that is, the old sharp division into kulaks and cropless peasants has disappeared. Everything has become more equable, the peasantry in general has acquired the status of the middle ...
versa, is often pointed out by other parts of the country, which more or less explicitly criticise Geneva’s multilevel governance, where no one really knows “who does what” and that “wouldn’t exist if Geneva weren’t so rich”, as stated in a Bernese newspaper article (Chapman2012)...
constituted the genuine plebeian type in all times—such must pass over to the child, as surely as bad blood; and with the help of the best education and culture one will only succeed in DECEIVING with regard to such heredity.—And what else does education and culture try to do nowadays!
Michael Gove, levelling-up secretary, sought to tap into that zeitgeist on Thursday as he called Thames Water’s management a “disgrace”. Gove said the company had been taking out profits and failing to invest, adding that answer was “not to hit the consumers”. Yet Gove’s grandstanding...