Letitia is a form ofLaetitia. SeeLaetitiafor further details. Letitia is a stylish and delightful name. Want to make this name more unique? Try spell it backwards. Alternate names include Latisha. Some famous bearers of this name include: Letitia Christian Tyler, and Letitia Dean. ...
in local communities. So, I feel it’s high time I answer to a higher calling which can only mean election to a high office. I believe in the motto, for which I hold a copyright, that as man makes the clothes, so do the clothes make the man. My sartorial choices…old-school prepp...
It's almost inevitable that at one point in your adult age, living here in North Dakota, coming home from work one day you'll see a notice informing you that you have been selected for jury duty! This is one of those topics at the so-called water cooler that always comes up in conv...