Update according to the key primary key.If the primary key is combined, key annotations can be added to multiple fields.customerRepository.Update(customer); customerRepository.Update(customerList);5.3.2 It also supports the update method based on Lambda chain syntax...
For the purposes of cosmology, a particularly successful family of solutions are the solutions given by the Lambda-CDM model. This family of solutions contains additional parameters, such as the density of dark matter in the universe. Depending on the precise values of these parameters, the ...
Python does this in constant time without having to scan through every item by using hash functions. When Python looks up a key foo in a dict, it first computes hash(foo) (which runs in constant-time). Since in Python it is required that objects that compare equal also have the same ...
If the matter/energy density of the universe is equal to the critical density then in terms of geometry the universe is flat like a sheet of paper. In a matter-dominated universe, the critical density is between the density required by a collapsing "heavy universe" and the density of a "...
We are spending far too much time expiring cache entries. This is easy to understand why with a second look at the code of theget()function: every cache lookup does old entry expirationand thensearches for a matching cache entry. The way cache-entry expiration works with an immutable HashMa...
It is not literally equal to ; however, an easy application of Legendre’s formula shows that for odd small primes , and have almost exactly the same number of factors of . On the other hand, as is odd, contains no factors of , while contains about such factors. The prime ...
assume a call option has a rho of 0.05 and a price of $1.25. If interest rates rise by 1%, the value of the call option would increase to $1.30, all else being equal. The opposite is true for put options. Rho is greatest for at-the-money options with long times until expiration....
Someone has, for whatever reason, nested the handler inside the attacher. This means that the handler is closed over the scope of the caller; the handler keeps around a reference to element which is equal to menu, which is that div. But the div has a reference to the handler....
This means that the fields can either have a value, or be equal to nullptr. Richer Exception Information. C++/CX supports the new Windows error model that enables the capture and propagation of rich exception information across the application binary interface (ABI); this includes call stacks ...
ASP.Net MVC Conditional Validation: End date must be greater than or equal to start date asp.net MVC cookie is null while page is redirecting ASP.NET MVC Crystal Reports asp.net mvc data annotation validating unique record asp.net mvc dataAnnotations enforcing a value is true? ASP.Net MV...