Obviously a muscle can also be bruised, crushed, or lacerated, but those are quite different and much more obvious traumas: the “contact” muscle injuries. This tutorial is mainly about non-contact strains, the kinds of strains that happen without colliding with anything or anyone. (“Why ar...
裂伤 liè shāng Chinese dictionary Show pinyin n.laceration; lacerated wound jī ròu liè shāng 肌肉裂伤 muscle laceration Hot words today 电影film 滤镜filter 虽然although 一直straight; always 复习review 我self; one 就come near; undertake
tā liǎn shang zhàn chū le wēi xiào 他脸上绽出了微笑。 A smile crept across his face. xié hòu gēn kāi zhàn le 鞋后跟开绽了。 The shoe has split at the heel. pò zhàn 破绽 flaw pí kāi ròu zhàn 皮开肉绽 be bruised and lacerated from flogging...
“Whichever way you cut it, the outlook does not look good.” Verb ▲ To treat or regard with rudeness or contempt snub cold-shoulder ignore slight spurn shun stiff-arm avoid blank high-hat ostraciseUK ostracizeUS rebuff stiff snout cut dead freeze out look right through someone give someon...
How and why does blood clotting occur? How do you know if blood has lacerated a vein or an artery? What blood vessel does the thoracic duct drain into? What is meant by systolic heart failure? What is an apical-radial deficit? What is myocarditis and pericarditis? If the left subclavian...
Which of the following nerves can become lacerated in fractures at the surgical neck of the humerus? a. radial nerves b. suprascapular nerve c. upper trunk of the brachial plexus d. ulnar nerve e. median nerve Compare and contrast the basic structural anatomy of skelet...
Beloved similarly centers on a female character, Sethe, whose lacerated back functions as a constant reminder of the brutality of her life as a slave [4]. As characteristic of the genre of the neo-slave narrative, these texts highlight the physical impact of slavery. God Help the Child is...
我从日历上撕下一页。 I tear a page from the calendar. wǒ wú lùn zěn me sī yě méi néng sī kāi 我无论怎么撕也没能撕开。 No matter how I tried I just could not rip it apart. sī de fěn suì 撕得粉碎 tear to shreds ...
Definition & Meaning lacerated wound sī liè shāng 撕裂伤 ReadWriteQuizChinese dictionary Show pinyin n.lacerated wound tā de yòu bì yǒu chù sī liè shāng 他的右臂有处撕裂伤。 He has a laceration on his right arm. Hot words today 原谅forgive 家family;home 谁same as 谁 沃water; ...
Atrial fibrillation is a condition that affects the heart- specifically the atria, hence the name. It can be caused by abnormalities or damage to the heart. Answer and Explanation:1 Atrial fibrillation is known as an irregular heartbeat and can lead to stroke, heart failur...