What Does TBH Stand For? TBH stands for “to be honest.” It’s a very common slang term or abbreviation that teens and young adults use online in texting, social media posts and even in-person conversations. Where Does TBH Originate? No one knows for sure where TBH came from, but it...
What Does “GMFU” Stand For? “GMFU” is short for “Got Me Fu*ked Up” This acronym is used when someone encounters a situation that leaves them surprised, shocked, or frustrated. It’s a way of saying, “I can’t believe this is happening” or “This is just too much!” But...
So i am a div 9player. not even a bad player to be honoust. But every but literally every opponent i get seems to have a really bad team. But plays insane... - 7716235
Most of the land along the coast seemed to be taken but it was not as bad as I have seen in other online videos There were still a few open areas. I tried to tame a couple pteras along the way but ran into many new-guy issues, like not having eno...
1 or 2 miscdecoration: Whatever you want to fit in that does not fit into one of the above categories Decoration offerings should also include at least one or two interactive decorations or at least animated decos. Going back to my ideas fromIdea for Differentiating Cartel Pack Decos a...
GM connected? Editing players? Revamp AI? Better visual settings for brightness? Control more than one team? Better sim engine? What problems does the NHL have with that? As far as@KlariskraysNHLThe game devs do totally listen to its online fan base, but they back those who spend more mo...
Fix the AI when it comes to Breakthrough. As defenders they all get distracted by air vehicles and just stand out in the open firing their guns ineffectively against them - the ones with M5s do take pot shots though. Why don't they have FXM-33 missiles? Why don't they throw down am...
I figured out the issue! Apparently, some time ago I put in the -nosound command in the game launch options. I didn't remember doing that at all, but ironically found the suggestion from Google showing one of your past answers. So thank you!
sgaKys":"Important Links","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1720519531384":"Important Links","title@instance:QTimIP":"Community Highlights","title@instance:featuredWidgets.widget.featuredContentWidget-1726738918424":"Important Announcement","title@instance:ztROKP":...
Does it also happen there ? If it doesn't, put back a copy of your save game (still with no mods/cc and check if that then works).Also make sure to delete the localthumbcache file in your doc folder.If it works without anything, then you still have some cc that doesn't work ...