41 and 19 cal kyr BP. This lack of correspondence with the archaeological data from the Mediterranean region, where a significant reduction of human population and a near-complete breakdown of settlement patterns during the coldest and driest episodes of the last glacial period was attested (e.g...
quartile range increase in PM2.5was associated with statistically significant 1.25-4.31% decreases in standard deviation of normal to normal (SDNN) and 0.12-3.71% decreases in root mean squared of successive differences (rMSSD) HRV, and these effects were stronger during stir-frying, cleaning with ...
3018 cal kyr BP. While our understanding of qualitative climate trends, mainly based on fossil pollen records, has substantially improved, quantification of climate parameters is still a challenging task. For the last glacial interval in Northern Asia, plant macroremains, chironomids, diatoms and ...