Kimchi is a spicy Korean dish. They are made from fermenting cabbages and adding seasonings like garlic, ginger, salt, and scallion. They are rich in vitamin K, riboflavin and helps in the smooth functioning of the digestive system.
But they live as refugees in the country of Chad. D’jimia is a single mother. She has five children. The family spends a little over one dollar on food each week. Food does not cost as much here as in some other places. In other countries, where food costs more, this amount ...
A traditional Korean breakfast includes rice, kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage), beef or fish and usually bread. South America South American breakfast cuisine tends to be on the savoury side. In Venezuela, breakfast often consists of arepa, a corn flatbread stuffed with different fillings such as...
It is no surprise that in a group of over 5,000 people, there is bound to be a food allergy or two. Thus, the aircraft carriers' chefs are tasked with keeping everyone fed and providing certain offerings for those that can't tolerate particular ingredients. The Navy does not prevent thos...
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It is no surprise that in a group of over 5,000 people, there is bound to be a food allergy or two. Thus, the aircraft carriers' chefs are tasked with keeping everyone fed and providing certain offerings for those that can't tolerate particular ingredients. The Navy does not prevent thos...