However, there are several other ways to say you agree in Japanese. Here are some of them: I agree(賛成です), Sansei desu.Sansei, which means “approval," is a more formal way to convey agreement in Japanese. Absolutely(全くその通り。) Mattaku sono tōri. “Mattaku” means completely....
Is this sentence from a Japanese song “unravel”? This means “ I was broken in this world”@
Kare wa nihongo ga pera pera desu. 彼は日本語がぺらぺらです。 He speaks Japanese fluently. (2) Talkativeness in a negative sense or to chatter. Hiroshi wa himitsu o pera pera hanashite shimaimashita. 博は秘密をぺらぺら話しました。 Hiroshi was so talkative that he told the secret. (...
C.The town government in Taiji kept silent on criticism. D.Most Japanese people were against eating dolphin meat. 4. What does the underlined word “defensive” probably mean? A.Feeling guilty for killing dolphins. B.Making the determination to change. ...