A quick glance at discussions on forums or social platforms would suggest thatwhether Japanese people sayitadamimasuwhen they are alone depends on the person.Some Japanese people don’t say it when eating alone or with friends but do when dining with elders or superiors. In contrast, some Japa...
The particle combination には (ni wa) has several uses in Japanese, and it can be a bit tricky to understand. In the sentences you provided, "Kobayashi-san no heya ni wa nani ga imasu ka." and "Watashi no heya ni wa kūrā ga nai.", には (ni wa) is used to indicate the speci...
Naomi: Who is 誰 (dare) and in Japanese we say “that person is who?” So… あの人は誰ですか。(Ano hito wa dare desu ka.) Jessi: “As for that person, who is?”, which is, “Who is that person?” The subject あの人 (ano hito) “that person” is marked by...
Why Do Japanese People Say Moshi Moshi? Explanation 1: Foxes can't pronounce moshi moshi Explanation 2: Ghosts can't say moshi twice Explanation 3: Telephone operators did it Never Say "Mushi Mushi" Again What Does Moshi Moshi Mean?