This convention comes from the Greek word “kilo,” which means a thousand. So, what does K mean in math? In mathematics and numerical notations, the letter “K” represents a thousand. Thus, the “1K” is equivalent to 1,000. This simplifies reading and writing large numbers. For ...
What does the asterisk (*) mean in lsof output?Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago Modified 6 years, 6 months ago Viewed 1k times 1 I set my TCP server to localhost, but instead of seeing in the host portion of the lsof output, I see an asterisk. After...
An Ethernet switch, or network switch, is a type of networking hardware that uses multiple ports to communicate between devices in the local area network (LAN). Ethernet is the underlying infrastructure that enables wired connectivity, whereas Wi-Fi does the same for wireless connectivity. In shor...
As you see, copywriting has an important role in the success of your business. That's why it has to be done strategically. Refreshing the copy for your business in the right direction can improve conversions considerably. What exactly does a copywriter do?
4K resolution is also simply called 4K, and what does the K mean? In the digital field, it is different from the kilo in the decimal system where 1k equals 1,000. It is a power of two (2^10), 1024, referring to binary measurement. To describe digital images, pixels are counting in...
An Ethernet switch, or network switch, is a type of networking hardware that uses multiple ports to communicate between devices in the local area network (LAN). Ethernet is the underlying infrastructure that enables wired connectivity, whereas Wi-Fi does the same for wireless connectivity. In shor...
What does OTE mean in a salary? If you see the phrase OTE in the salary of ajob advert, it meansOn Target Earnings, or sometimesOn Track Earnings. This means that the salary advertised is only achieved if the employee meets the performance targets associated with the job...
If you want a rule to memorize the value of that number, a handy rule of thumb is for converting between binary and decimal in general: 2^10 ~ 1000 which means 2^20 ~ 1,000,000 and 2^30 ~ 1,000,000,000 Double that (2^31) is rounghly 2 billion, and doubling that again (2...
I understand congruence in Zp, i.e., a = b (mod p) implies a = b +zp, where z is in Zp (and a, b in Zp). However, I don't get what is meant by (mod pZp) ... does this mean a = b (mod p^k) for all k >= 1 ? Thanks, P Physics news on Advanced ...
immediately – whether or not the customer successfully pays their instalments. This means that buy now, pay later providers take on all the customer risk, shielding your business from fraud. If a customer does file a fraud-related dispute, the buy now, pay later provider takes on the risk ...