(2016). What do we owe refugees: jus ad bellum, duties to refugees from armed conflict zones and the right to asylum. Journal of Global Ethics: Vol. 12, Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility, pp. 347-364. doi: 10.1080/17449626.2016.1245677...
jus ad bellumuse of forceterritorial conquestself-defenselegal argumentationThere is a long tradition of international relations and legal scholars warning of the demise of the jus ad bellum—the body of international law that governs whSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
And in doing so, they have diverted attention away from other challenges that might actually push the contemporary jus ad bellum to the breaking point—and that we might now confront.Monica HakimiCurrent Legal Problems
"Counter-Insurgency Operations in Afghanistan. What about the `Jus Ad Bellum' and the `Jus in Bello': Is the Law Still Accurate?". Yearbook Of International Humanitarian Law 13, no. 97 (2010).De Cock C (2011) Counter-insurgency operations in Afghanistan: what about the ‘ jus Ad bellum...