Does the necessary international law perhaps exist already and it only remains to reassemble pertinent parts of it and re-label them as jus post bellum? Or does a framework of jus post bellum presuppose the invention of a genuinely new body of law to cater to the particular needs of the ...
(2016). What do we owe refugees: jus ad bellum, duties to refugees from armed conflict zones and the right to asylum. Journal of Global Ethics: Vol. 12, Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility, pp. 347-364. doi: 10.1080/17449626.2016.1245677...
What does the Jurisdictional Hurdle under International Human Rights Law Mean for the Relationship between International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Lawinternational human rights lawinternational humanitarian lawjus ad bellumjurisdictionWith increasing acceptance of the application of ...
jus ad bellumuse of forceterritorial conquestself-defenselegal argumentationThere is a long tradition of international relations and legal scholars warning of the demise of the jus ad bellum—the body of international law that governs whSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The reason they have been wrong is that they have misdiagnosed the main threat to the jus ad bellum , or at least, they have myopically focused on and grossly overstated the seriousness of a particular kind of threat. And in doing so, they have diverted attention away from other ...
THE JUS AD BELLUM IN CYBERSPACE: WHERE ARE WE NOW AND WHAT NEXT?Yao DongNew Zealand Journal of Public & International Law