Kaplan also thought of Judaism as a civilization instead of a religion because it includes language, art, culture, ethics, history, and other elements essential to civilization. Kaplan's view of God was that God was the result of the process of human self-fulfillment and that an actual God ...
The fact that legal provisions were made for concubines does not mean that God approved of this marital model. - In Genesis 2:22-24, God clearly designed marriage to be a union of one man and one woman. - In Deuteronomy 24:5, God made instructions for a husband to priorit...
teaching Rabbinic textsWhat does it mean for teachers to "know their subject matter" and what are—or might be—the sources of teachers' knowledge? The article contends that there is an underutilized potential resource for Jewish teachers that Judaica scholarship about classic texts may offer to...
See Encyclopedia Judaica 8:1181-1186. 2. It should be noted that there are three places where the Mishnah Berurah uses the term tzaddik but twenty-seven where it uses the term tzadi. 3. See the chart in Peter T. Daniels, “Scripts of Semitic Languages” in Robert Hetzron’s The ...
(literally "circuit... to go round"), the tekufah of Nisan denoting the mean sun at the vernal [equinox], that of Tammuz denoting it at the summer [solstice], that of Tishri, at the autumnal [equinox], and that of Tevet, at the winter [solstice]" (Judaica, "Calendar," vol. 5)...
What does that mean? You’re driving across and it collapses, and that’s been happening.”] But you can’t fix bridges without a tax base. For the first time in US history the Middle Class is a minority. Jobs for waiters and orderlies may abound but ‘upward mobility’ jobs have ...
when I asked people I’m speaking to, what is Jewish food, I get answers fromlatkesto Chinese food on Christmas and I love that. Just because we consider food Jewish, does not mean it isn’t also Russian or Iranian or Polish too. No matter your religion, I hope you enjoy these tasty...
33 Relative humidity increases quickly after a bed is occupied, which might explain why HDMs are more likely to be found in beds than carpets, with a ratio of 2.7 (range, 0.6-5.9; mean, 1884 mites/g of dust found in beds vs 601 mites/g in carpets).8 Factors shown to decrease HDM ...
Topical encyclopedias also came into popularity, covering topics as varied as economics, bioethics, or Judaica. Toward the end of the century, many publishers began releasing them in digital formats such as Compact Discs (CDs) and Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs). Some encyclopedias have become ...
What Does Yenta Mean? A quick review of dictionaries and Jewish websites reveals no definite consensus on the meaning of the word yenta. Several different definitions appear in online dictionaries as well as on sites such as UrbanDictionaryand Define Dictionary Meaning that encourage reader/member ...