What does Sapiosexual mean? If you are reading this post, then it is quite possible you came across this internet slang term when you visited an online dating
Text messages can include alphanumeric characters, or attachments like images and videos, depending on what texting platform is supported on your device.Note SMS was featured as a top term of 1993.How to send a text message. How much does it cost to send a text message? When was the ...
including regression or Markov models. This informed early NLP developments such as spellcheckers and T9 texting (Text on 9 keys, to be used on Touch-Tone telephones)
If someone you know has texted or messaged you a message with “WSP” in it, you may be scratching your head in confusion. Don’t sweat it—this one’s pretty easy and we’ll break it down for you. We’ll even walk you through a few corner cases where “WSP” might mean something...
More Popular Slang You may have seen “DTN” all over social media, but what exactly does it mean? This trending term is short for “don’t trust nobody,” which people use to talk about breakups or other situations where they’ve been wronged. In this article, we’ll teach you every...
The slang word Xx I would ask what does Xx mean in texting? Feb 1, 2016 12:06 AM 5 0 Answers · 5 Cherry "X" is as stated above just a short abbreviation of throwing a kiss ,although it is not clear what 'x' has to do with the word 'kiss', there might be a relevance that...