What does がっついてる mean here? 已被注销的用户 2021年12月7日 がっついてる = がっついて(い)る = がっついて +(い)る = [Verb がっつく in Te-from] + Verb いる がっつく means: to be greedy; to devour greedily
@Sandesh_Mahat I think you'll find the following site useful.ずいぶん:https://jisho.org/search/%E3%81%9A%E3%81%84%E3%...The word "ずいぶん" is used in situations where there is more than the amount or number that the speaker expected or anticipated. I think it has a particular ...
私の元で働く = Work as my subordinate 私の元で働いてくれた彼女 means She was my subordinate. "She who was my subordinate" |元 5. (someone's) side; (someone's) location https://jisho.org/search/%E5%85%83 > Or does 元 ALONE actually mean subordinate by its
灰をかくのよ すぐだからね。 What does かく mean here? And how would you write it in kanji? Miyagi_SPY 2022年3月12日 日语 There is not enough context to tell it. Highly-rated answerer dorami_9000 2022年3月12日 日语 掻く(かく) ...
with 「が」.It means the sentence above can be 「国境がない時代」.「ない」is 形容詞....
It's said that the left half means "粗金(Aragane in Japanese)", which is something like raw iron. As Aragane has many layers, "段(Dan)" means what has layers or what can be divided into a smaller part such as "階段(Kaidan)" and "段落(Danraku)". In additi
I understand how to use the grammar construction のは with verbs in there present tense such as 行くのは 見るのは and 食べるのは but how do I use のは when the verb is in its past tense such as 行ったのは 見たのは and 食べたのは what does that form mean and when would I ...