What Does Yahweh Mean? Exodus 3:13-15is the first Biblical usage of the name “Yahweh,” At the end of the passage, we can see that it is the name by which God has chosen to be remembered throughout all generations. The English language doesn’t have an exact translation of the word...
Magi, singular Magus, also called Wise Men, in Christian tradition, the noble pilgrims “from the East” who followed a miraculous guiding star to Bethlehem, where they paid homage to the infant Jesus as king of the Jews (Matthew 2:1–12).What does God say about being wise?The Bible sa...
We are called to be the salt and light in the world. But what does that mean? Salt: When salt is applied, it dissolves inward and disappears. The salt speaks of the inward part, the character of the Christian. Light Jesus also described His people as being like light, which is ...
Christians through the centuries have found encouragement and comfort in the New Testament term Abba. What does Abba mean in the Bible and why have believers found it inspirational? We’ll explore the answers below. The word Abba occurs three times in the New Testament. It was first spoken by...
What does Nehemiah mean in the Bible? The name Nehemiah is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning"comforted by God". ... The biblical Nehemiah was the prophet assigned the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity—which could make it a fitting possibility for an architect or bui...
Who were the Hyksos and what role did they have in early Israel? What kind of Greek was the New Testament written in? What are Jewish laws? What does emunah mean in Judaism? What is the significance of Hebrew monotheism? What does the Tanakh consist of?
What English letters are not in the Hebrew alphabet? What is the biblical term for a non-Jewish person? Who is the Messiah in the Old Testament? What does each letter mean in the Hebrew alphabet? Who was the first Hebrew in the Bible?
So what does Israel mean in the Bible? It really depends on the context. It could refer to an individual; Abraham’s grandson. It could mean the descendants of Israel; the children of Israel. Frequently it refers to the nation of Israel; either the united kingdom or the northern kingdom...
Jews and Slavery in Antebellum America: What Does the Bible Say? Why Does It Matter?Greenspoon, Leonard J.Journal of Religion & Society: Supplement Series
How does a boy become “bar mitzvahed” and a girl “bat mitzvahed?” What ceremony is needed? What does the term mean? What is the history of it? What’s the purpose of it? The right and wrong ways to do it. The Jewish Wedding ...