Much more laughter, even though my 8-year-old loves JarJar Binks and laughed a lot when he was on screen. But in this movie you see the big disconnect between the prequels and the story’s “continuation.” The questions came fast in this viewing: As the first stormtroopers enter the ...
MesaJarJarBinks. 哦声音真好听 Ooh.That'sanicevoice. 你不觉得这个声音很烦人吗? Youdon'tfindthisvoiceannoying? 我觉得这很有趣真的柯林 Ithinkit'sveryfunny,indeed,Colin. 我的叔叔弗维奥 MyUncleFulvio 把这里都重新镶板了看起来真不错! didalltherepanelinginhere,soit'slookingrealnice.Oh!
Jar Jar Binks: Another revisit. Not funny. Get over yourself. I haven't changed my opinion. I literally needed to say this again. Pick Gonk, Boss Nass, Carbonite Han, or anyone else, for god's sake. LEGO/Warner Bros. Games *Yawns* Holiday Gonk: Now THIS is comedy. (Also, adorabl...
Jar Jar Binks is real.. Unfortunately. But yeah, I agree with the "arguing over thin air" comment. xD It's very true, and it does make it harder to sound intelligent when making one's arguements. Akio123MemberMothra LarvaeDec-01-2013 10:26 PM Well I guess I try to base this off...
The little yellow irritant seems to be dividing viewers online (I saw one post calling him “Jar Jar Binks times 1,000”), but his fizzy attitude, quippy comebacks and sarcastic remarks had me laughing throughout. Yes, the already infamous extended gag of him poop...
We left out a few just for you. So now it’s your turn! What types of bullion would characters likeChewbacca, Jaba the Hutt, and Jar-Jar Binksstack? Can you think of any other characters that would make great stackers? Tell us in the comments below!
All well and good if you were lucky enough to be born with a butter-smooth baritone timbre, but even if your voice is more Jar Jar Binks than Marvin Gaye, there’s hope for you yet. You can (and, by all accounts, should) manipulate your voice to make yourself more attractive. You ...
I also had to buy Sweet Pea three gifts for her upcoming June 5th birthday. Hopefully she does not know what I bought, but probably my online shopping will show on her computer because when I stuff it sometimes shows up as an ad on her failbook page. What a bunch of crap...
The nadir, of course, is the most repulsive comic-relief character in sci-fi history: Jar Jar Binks, a man-size dinosaur with pop eyes and a vaguely West Indian patois who says “Ex-squeeze me!” while simpering and running away from battles. Talk about a disruption in the Force. 10....
character, Jar Jar Binks. It may surprise you to learn that I'm not going to waste any time disparaging poor Jar Jar, or dwelling on hints at "Yes, Bwana" racism. I can take at face value Lucas' assurances that he meant well. Likewise, I found the Ewoks in "Return of the Jedi"...