YON-KYO It’s a self-portrait. Awkward. Crickets chirp as Da-Song and Mun-Kwang continue to battle it out in the background. KI-WOO Of course. Us grown-ups are too jaded to see true genius. 16 EXT. MANSION - GARDEN - EVENING 16 YON-KYO That must be why. We’ve gone ...
What does it mean to be sapiosexual? Not out to your family? Here’s how to survive Xmas A complete beginner’s guide to scissoring ‘How I realised I was demisexual, like Tulisa’ Here’s what the term ‘queer’ really means 3 people explain what it’s like to be aromantic This is...
How does a cheetah run so fast? While not a visible difference for the observer, cheetahs have larger nasal cavities than leopards, allowing them to breathe more efficiently when sprinting at great speed. Their lungs, heart and several other organs are large, relative to their size, for the ...
What Does My Dog’s Bark Mean? A Dog Bark Translation Guide– From ‘Keep The Tail Wagging’ Disclaimer All content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be nor can it be considered actionable professional advice. It must not be us...
I mean, he makes change out of the fucking register. MANNIE They didn't know who was dealing, just that it was someone at the store? RONNA They were fishing. I bit. Ronna's PAGER goes off with a shrill BEEPING. She checks the number. RONNA It's Claire. She paged me while I was...
I shakily got to my feet and rested my hand on his shoulder. I could feel his entire body buzzing. “How does it feel?” “INVIGORATING,” he said simply. “LIKE I COULD OUTRUN DEATH.” I took a step back again, nodding. “That may come in useful.” And as if to echo ...
What Does It Mean to Have ‘Read' a Book? | Read It Forward. Have you managed to find a publisher for your work and are now enjoying the thrill of knowing that your book will soon be published? If you're wondering what happens next or just dreaming of being in that situation, ...
You mentioned that Thirsty Burlington was the starter dough of your Judy Garland. What does it mean to learn an impression through somebody? At the time that I experienced Thirsty’s Judy, I was doing Liza a lot in my shows. Thirsty and I were in Provincetown after our shows one night ...
I mean, he makes change out of the fucking register. MANNIE They didn't know who was dealing, just that it was someone at the store? RONNA They were fishing. I bit. Ronna's PAGER goes off with a shrill BEEPING. She checks the number. RONNA It's Claire. She paged me while I was...