To beat down, or beat in pieces; to dash forcibly; to crush. The whalesAgainst sharp rocks, like reeling vessels, quashed,Though huge as mountains, are in pieces dashed. Squash To silence or fluster, as with crushing words Squash a heckler. Quash To crush; to subdue; to suppress or ex...
Min-Hyuk and Ki-Woo sit at a portable table outside the store, drinking soju and chasing it with chips. Min-Hyuk’s expensive foreign scooter is parked behind him. It visually clashes with the old grocery store and run-down alley. MIN-HYUK I had to bring that stupid rock, but it ...
To subdue, destroy, or eliminate Stamped the rebellion. Stamp out a fire. Affix A bound morpheme added to a word’s stem; a prefix, suffix, etc. Stamp To crush or grind with a heavy instrument Stamp ore. Affix (mathematics) The complex number a+bi associated with the point in the Gau...
What does mortifying mean? 1 : tosubject to severeand vexing embarrassment : shame was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters' beauty and her own— Jane Austen. 2 : to subdue or deaden (the body, bodily appetites, etc.) especially by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or di...
1 :to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity: alleviate expect a breeze to allay the heat. 2 : to make quiet : calm trying to allay their fears. How do you spell Alay? verb (used with object),al·layed, al·lay·ing. to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; ...
One of the most distinctive features ofSmilodon populatorwas its long, curved, saber-shaped canine teeth, which could grow up to 11 inches (28 centimeters) in length. These impressive teeth, strong forelimbs and broad shoulders were likely used to subdue and kill large prey, such as prehistori...
It's just that one thing subdues another I threw my heart in the world; you picked it up. I sought for happiness but collected sorrow. You gave me sorrow but I found happiness. My heart broke into pieces. You picked them up in your hand and threaded them on the rope of love. ...
Psychiatrists theorize that the deep relaxation and focusing exercises of hypnotism work to calm and subdue the conscious mind so that it takes a less active role in your thinking process. In this state, you're still aware of what's going on, but your conscious mind takes a backseat to yo...
In the same way, the modern power structure of physicalism (including but not limited to the scientific orthodoxy, government institutions, media and education leaders) can demonize and subdue the accurate worldview that can replace physicalism with an accurate science for civilization. Something that...
What Does it Mean that Volatility Is Mean-Reverting? The volatility of a particular asset or security is thought to be mean-reverting, meaning that over time it will fluctuate around its historical average volatility level. So, if there is a period of increased volatility, it should ...