I Have Had Dreams or Visions Of Jesus? What Does It Mean? byJack Wellman Many people claim to have dreams or visions and want to know, are they from God and if so, what do they mean? What Do Dreams and Visions Mean? From my own experience, I have heard many who have had dreams...
not menber, it‘s member。约一2:15 不要爱世界,和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。约一2:16 因为凡世界上的事,就像肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的。约一2:17 这世界,和其上的情欲,都要过去。惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常...
Ambassador For Christ – What Does It Mean? Sometimes a single verse from the Bible can teach us much that we need to know about being theChristian businessowners and leaders that God has called us to be. While that may be too large a task for one verse, I think I have at least one...
What Does This Mean? Whatever Valentine’s Day is to you, it is for you to decide. Personally, I think it’s a great opportunity to celebrate love, whether it be for family, friends, lovers, or neighbors becauseJesussaid that people would know us by our love. ...
It seems the stoics of past were intrigued to know what the Apostles were teaching and I'm sure many of them were saved. Does this mean that they dropped all stoicism because of their new faith? I doubt that. Stoicism is more about being aware of and in control of how we react to ...
Why does it matter whether you belong to God’s family or not? Does this actually hold real weight? Is it worth digging deeper into or is it enough to just know about on the surface? Yes, it is. Being a daughter of Christ means that you have a forever father in Heaven. Someone who...
Lesson 3 - The Passion Ministry of Jesus Christ The Gospel of John: The Great News - REVIEW QUESTIONS Galatians: The Constitution of Christian Liberty Galatians - The Constitution of Christian Liberty - PREFACE Lesson 1 - An Introduction to Christian Liberty - Galatians 1 Lesson 2 - The...
to change. Throughout my elementary years I would begin to know new friends who did not look like me. This very slow growth continued at the same pace into my college years. And as it does in many ways for many people for many reasons, my life would be altered forever for the better...
Christ alone: what does it mean in the midst of complex and diverse religious contexts?(Features)(Essay)Gordon, Dorcas
God is holy, and he wants us to be holy as well. The more holy we become, the closer relationships we can enjoy with God. But what does it really mean to be holy? Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on our strength to pursue holiness, because Jesus meets us where we are and hel...