What Does it Mean That Our Sins Are Swept Away? How Has the Freedom in Christ Set Us Free? What Does the Imagery of ‘My Cup Runneth Over’ Mean in Psalm 23:5? What Does it Mean to Consider the Lilies?What Does it Mean to ‘Set Your Mind on Things Above’?
In that talk, Lee addressed the first question “What does it mean to take anything seriously?” by declaring that “when we take something seriously, we often talk about professing it:” “The deepest, oldest meaning of the word “profess” is to take religious orders in a public and ...
But what does it mean to love one another? Trying to offer love to everyone can seem difficult at first. Human nature is to avoid situations or people that make us uncomfortable or angry. Yet, God commands us to accept the difficulties and love others anyway. As followers of Jesus, we'r...
Text and tune are the vessel while the connection with God is the treasure. The vessel should bring us closer to God who is the Source of all things. If the songs we sing and play fulfill this task, then the vessel has done its job even though it might be very weak. An experience ...
What does it actually mean to be evil? And how do you tell your kids that in the Bible dragons are actually the ?bad guys?? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Dragon series. Thank you to our audience for your incredible questions!
What does it mean to “take up your cross” and “die daily?” I think it is important to focus on the life of Christ and the finished work of the cross as our example. The apostle Paul encourages believers in Philippi: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility ...
Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount during his ministry in Galilee, a region in northern Israel. The exact location is not specified in the Gospel of Matthew, but it is traditionally believed to have been on a hillside near the Sea of Galilee. ...
It will be hard for you to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.
If you in your kindness will think of it, occasionally say a prayer for the safety of this flight over the next 10 hours or so, to get us off the the ground and back (gently). Itinerarium clericorum. UPDATE Doors are closed! Posted in On the road, SESSIUNCULA | 8 Comments Hey ...
In this paper, we aim to create a common understanding of what the ‘AI for Sustainability’ movement ought to mean. We distinguish between two possible AI for Sustainability applications, namely those that fulfill the necessary conditions and those that fulfill the sufficient conditions. The former...