常常听到一些小伙伴问别人有没有什么问题用“What's your problem”,这样的英语表达本身有问题哦,会让老外误解,引起不必要的纠纷和尴尬。 1 你有问题吗? ✘ What's your problem? 这句话在歪果仁听来,就是在说,“你有什么毛病?...
Which of the following does not belong? Show correct answer Correct Answer: B Explanation: This is an outlier identification problem. To solve it, study all 5 options and see what they have in common. In this case, each choice has three shapes. What are those shapes? Each one contains a...
Yes! It's better to expect the worst than be taken by surprise when it happens, which it usually does... No! Pessimism is a burden to any relationship. What's the point in trying if you already know how it'll end? 4/10 You feel responsible for your significant other's safety......
Did God create disorder and chaos? What does it actually mean to be evil? And how do you tell your kids that in the Bible dragons are actually the ?bad guys?? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Dragon series. Thank you to our...
I want to usecontext.WithTimeout()to handle a use case that I make an external request, and if the response of the request is too long, it will return an error. I have implemented the pseudo code like the playground link attached below: 2 solution: ...
If ATI is not working does it still have benefits? Access Info carried out a campaign in Malta when a person was told they couldn’t submit an FOI request because they were not residents of Malta. They took the case to court, using pro bono lawyers; the court agreed with them and said...
if we’re too quick to tell an unbeliever who does not sense that he is lost, “God loves you and Christ died for your sins,” he will probably respond, “Yes, thank you for reminding me.” He won’t appreciate the good news or respond to it because he doesn’t understand the bad...
going to the cloud! Linked 14 What is a Kernel Panic and what does it mean? Related 0 DeployStudio Kernel Panic 3 OSX Mavericks Kernel Panic 0 Yosemite crashes on startup with henge dock 4 Kernel panic in old MacBook Pro after upgrading to El Capitan 2 Mac suddenly shuts down and...
People normally respond to such arguments with a reassuring nod or smile. Not lawyers. Lawyers say things like: "Doyou still like hiking if it snows but does not rain?" "Does everyone who practices become a concert pianist?" "How do you know it was the pizza?" ...
You’re a globetrotting enthusiast, but you’re not quite a seasoned pro yet. Take this fun and easy quiz to uncover your travel kryptonite. And learn how to overcome it!