Work–life balance (WLB) remains a pressing challenge in today’s fast-paced society. The current study addresses this prominent issue by examining whether employment type and individual characteristics shape perceptions of WLB among entrepreneurs and wa
Your customer can do this within a few clicks. The strength of loyalty to your brand hinges on your ability to deliver what they want, when they want it. To put a number on it, a recent survey highlighted that pooravailabilitycosts American retailers a shocking$200 billion every year! But...
Much quantitative research on the impacts of parental migration on children’s wellbeing disaggregates money and care, calibrating the trade-offs between the two. Some of this research indicates that when parents migrate from poorer countries to wealthy countries, remittances enable significant investment...
Ten years ago, managing mobile devices at work required a hodgepodge collection of apps and services — and the BYOD craze only complicated things further for IT. Here’s a look at how EMM shifted and grew, where we are, and what comes next.
“NSC is a very important data source for most states, but it does mean that states are essentially paying to get data back about their own students,” said Rachel Anderson, DQC’s director of policy and research strategy. “Many advocates, including DQC, see NSC’s value but a...
Data was analysed through collaborative thematic analysis. The study found that feeling understood by supporting adults has a very positive impact on young people’s wellbeing, mental health and help-seeking behaviour. Feeling misunderstood was found to have the converse effect, and in addition was ...
Global tracking data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation were unable to disaggregate nutrition-related funding from the annual funding of $5·17 billion for maternal, newborn, and child health programmes.200 The Countdown collaboration estimates nutrition-specific funding for the...
However, implementation of NCS does not occur in a vacuum and proper planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions will need to take into consideration the co-impacts that an NCS intervention may have on biodiversity, ecosystems, and human communities. NbS interventions (of which...
prompts students to choose courses that are “easy and entertaining” rather than “robust and rigorous” and encourages academics to “spoon feed” students. The NSS does not correlate well with other “more robust” measures of quality, it was claimed, citing non-continuation and grad...
will also disaggregate primary data to reflect the extent to which perspectives between differently-sized power developers diverge. This could be useful for policy-makers so that policies can be accurately and specifically tailored to encourage investment by power developers differentiated by firm size an...