Even if it’s on silent, the vibration might help you locate it nearby, especially if it’s buried under clothes, between couch cushions, or inside a bag. Additionally, if someone has found your phone, a call or text can alert them to your situation, allowing them to return the device...
If someone reports a stolen iPhone to their network provider, the provider runs a background check to ensure that they’re the genuine owner of the device. Once the network provider confirms the ownership of an iPhone, they then proceed to block its IMEI. Only the reporter (owner) of the ...
What does Restrict mean on Instagram? With the Restriction feature, you canavoid unwanted communications. Instagram introduced this feature to prevent cyberbullying and promote a more welcoming community. It covertly moderates someone’s interaction with you and your content. Restricting also prevents the...
1. Does hide alerts block calls? When you hide alerts from someone in the Messages app, it doesn’t silence or block calls. You shall continue to receive calls as usual. 2. Does hide alerts notify the other person? The ability to hide alerts from a conversation is a privacy feature. T...
Step 2:Long-press on any conversation and selectProfile. Step 3:Tap thethree verticaldotsmenu in the top-right corner of the pop-up. Step 4: SelectBlockand you are good to go. Blocking Someone on Discord Friends List: When you block someone on Discord, it directly affects your Friends ...
Corey Protin
What Does “Hide Alerts” Mean on iPhone? Explained The “Hide Alerts” is a feature on iPhone’s Messages app. Essentially, this cool feature gives a user an option to mute an incoming notification from any contact trying to send a message. When this feature is on, it hides and mutes ...
When you block someone on WhatsApp do they see it? When you block contacts on WhatsApp they do not see it. There’s no notification saying, “You’ve been blocked,” howeverthe contact will be able to tell that they’ve been blocked. This is becausethey won’t be able to see your...
What does incognito mean? Incognito means hiding your identity. Online, incognito mode (also calledprivate browsing) means hiding your identity on the device you’re using, but yourIP addressand browsing behavior will still remain visible to third parties. ...
How does phishing work? Phishing works by luring a victim with legitimate-looking (but fraudulent) emails or other communication from a trusted (or sometimes seemingly desperate) sender who coaxes victims into providing confidential information—often on what looks to be a convincingly legitimate web...