manipulative "gurus" who pretend to be awakened or delude themselves into thinking they are "enlightened." If we know what it means to be spiritually awakened, we will be more discerning about spiritual teachers and better able to distinguish the fake from the authentic. ...
Perhaps when you heard the sermon title, “What Does it Mean to be Saved?” you thought, “Oh no, this is going to be like taking a college graduate back to kindergarten! Why do you need to talk about something as basic as salvation?” ...
Similar to the Spirit Guide Bypass, the Prayer Bypass circumvents personal responsibility by putting faith in a higher being to solve all of our problems and issues. Whilepraying can be a healthy practice, it can easily become limiting and misguided. Sinking too much into passivity is an imbala...
we must see some things as “good” and some things as “bad.” Splitting life into good/bad and right/wrong is a very natural process because it helps us to survive.If we didn’t
spiritually dead heart. Faith without works is dead because it does not reveal the transforming work of the Holy Spirit manifested in the fruit of righteousness in a person’s life (Ephesians 5:8-10;Philippians 1:9-11). (excerpt by Joel Ryan,"What Does James 2:26 Mean by 'Faith ...
We all want to be ‘blessed’, right? When we’re pleased with someone, we say “God bless you.” When people ask us to make dua for them, we say “May Allah bless you.” But have we asked ourselves what a blessing really is? What does it mean to be blessed? Sometimes, we tak...
You know the toll it takes mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. It causes stress in your own mind and body as well as in your relationships with friends and family. Cancer treatments can make it hard to do the things you’ve always done as a human being, a ...
Those who accept a martyr’s death are promised a crown, but nowhere does the Bible grant an exemption for those who reject Jesus, coercion notwithstanding. Not in the Church Age, and not during the Tribulation. “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall ...
they were never all they were cracked up to be, that’s for sure. Only goodnessdoes that… Still, even now when I’m pretending like I’m done with the writer’s worries, it won’t be true, I’ll be at least half-lying, because right here (Right Now) I’m editing, contradicting...
This doesn’t mean we become cynical and denounce love and relationships completely, but itdoesmean that we becomemore grounded and realistic. In my experience, the more realistic and down-to-earth we are in our relationships, the healthier and stronger they become. ...