Did God create disorder and chaos? What does it actually mean to be evil? And how do you tell your kids that in the Bible dragons are actually the “bad guys”? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Drago
Let’s look at some Bible verses about humility. What Does the Bible Say About Humility? Ultimately,Jesus is the perfect example of humility. But these Bible verses about humility help us to cultivate this virtue in ourselves so that we can become more like Jesus. ...
Where Does the Bible Talk about Holiness? One of the best places to learn about the nature of holiness is in the place in the Temple, created to house the holiness of God. At the very center of the complex built in the Temple of Solomon was an area called the Holy of Holies. This...
When you hear the phrase “filled with the Spirit,” what comes to mind? For some, being filled with the Spirit is associated with a particular point in time with the evidence of speaking in tongues and the continuation of a private prayer language. For others, it is a focus on the joy...
What does it mean to be meek and lowly in heart? Meekness is the quality of those who are “Godfearing, righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering.”3Those who possess this attribute are willing to follow Jesus Christ, and their temperament is calm, docile, tolerant, and sub...
What does faith mean in our daily life? According to the Bible, “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1, NIV). Faithfulness means living in confidence and hope, and one of the best ways to find those things is in humble, thank...
Even if heaven were to fall and cleave to the earth, the humble man would not be dismayed. Not every quiet man is humble, but every humble man is quiet." - St. Isaac the Syrian FAQ: Understanding Humility in the Bible Why is humility important in the Bible? Humility is essential ...
What Does the Bible Say about Virtue? Scripture makes it clear that virtue is something to be sought after and prized. God Himself is by nature completely good, and sets the example for us. “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there ...
Sermon on the Mount E32 – In his fourth teaching on relationships and conflict in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his listeners to ask God for what they need. Because the three previous teachings don't directly tell us how to respond in specif
So what does it mean to have a truly Christian perspective? Here’s how I have begun to digest it. Typically I hate lists for several reasons. Among them is that people almost always take them to be all-inclusive… even if the list-er says they’re not. The only reason I have chose...