How long does it take to review a credit card application? It depends. When youapply for a credit cardonline, you can get approved instantly, but sometimes, it might take a few days to process. Many pending credit card applications are resolved within a few days, but it can take two we...
A pending order is often nothing to worry about, and there is often little sellers can do about it. Only if an order has been ‘pending’ for a significantly long period should it be a concern. In this article, we’ll explain what pending orders mean in Amazon, how long you may have...
What does ‘Pending’ mean on Snapchat? Pending is a term used to describe unsent messages and Snaps on Snapchat. There could be numerous reasons why your message on Snapchat is pending but it’s mostly due to a factor on the other user’s end. In most cases, you can not resolve th...
Scores “Pending” Sometimes your TOEFL account says that scores are “pending.” This is also totally normal. It happens about one or two days after the test is complete. You should keep waiting for the scores to arrive. It is not a sign of trouble. Status: “Scheduled” and “Checked ...
Business still pending Common Curiosities How is "pending" different from "imminent"? Pending indicates that something is awaiting completion or approval and does not specify when it will happen, unlike imminent, which suggests immediacy. 13 What does "imminent" mean? Imminent refers to something th...
What does pending mean on Snapchat? If you don’t know what pending means on snapchat, this post will give you the answer and tell you how to deal with Snapchat pending messages.
Q: Does pending on Snapchat mean blocked? A pending message on Snapchat doesn’t necessarily mean they have blocked you. A pending message usually occurs when you try sending a message before someone adds you to their friends list. Q: Why does my Snapchat say pending, but we’re still...
What does it mean? How long will it take? Sometimes, the US Visa officer may want to verify something on their end and may not need any information from you. This is very common and nothing to be worried. Every case is different and the processing time totally varies by case and ...
1Answer to this question Answer: It is clear that the journal plans to get your paper reviewed again, which is why you're seeing status changes related to these stages. If reviewers have requested revisions, it is common for journals to get the same set of reviewers to check the revised ...
What Does Order Status Mean? Order status, on the other hand, denotes the current phase of a customer’s order in the purchasing process, ranging from placement to completion. It includes stages like Pending, Processing, Shipped, and Delivered, providing updates on the order’s progress, paymen...