you could perform some simple algebra on the ratio to split it up into multiple terms (lim means "considered in the limit of", just ignore it if you haven't seen it, it's just notation for "and N is really really big"):
“Elisabeth is really unhappy as herself, but she’s frustrated at Sue, but, in the end, it’s almost like they befriend each other,” he says. “It’s a weird body therapy because suddenly you are a friend again to your inner enemy and inner self, but when you are...
Like many other automotive emblems, it has evolved over the years, and its original form was far more complicated than what you see today. The Cadillac coat of arms doesn’t show a shield like the automotive emblem does; rather, it was completely round and displayed trios of merlettes (bir...
Sadly, you won’t be able to run boards from this part of the journey directly. Unlike the Gemini API key, whichcan be easily obtained, Qdrant keys are tied to collections, which means that you will need to build your own lyrics database to get it to work. However, if you send an ...
If you can’t say what you need to say in 3 chords and with shitty distorted singing, maybe you need to sit back and reconsider the whole rock music thing, eh? I mean, you can gussie it all up with harmony and some tricky chord substitutions, but a rose is a rose is a rose—...
Today we pause the contest for a short post that while, yes, does have some grandmothering in it, also is about my daughter. So I’m sort of breaking my rules, but since I told my daughter I wanted to write it, and she is expecting it, here it is. Before she became a mother ...
Only then does it become “real” to them, and attain its proper significance. Cerebral and practical My fifth proposition is that chemistry is both an intellectual activity and a practical one, and that the latter is as important as the former. Most chemical operations require considerable ...
battery does offer some good CC but you already have Throw mine that does that and synergize with Explosive and remove some boons. Battery ram also requires you to be at covid range to use it. Slick shoes are...Yeah outside of the breakstun on its toolbelt, it isnt worth mentioning...
It is easy to have a simpletest.shscript that does everything, every time: # ./ ./ ./ ./ However, this would end up being very slow if you redundantly kept re-bundling resources and re-compiling code if we didn't need to. ...
What does it mean to live in a credential society? What kind of careers are available for someone with a degree in English? What can I do if I think my teacher gave me the wrong grade? How do I choose a college major? I have too many projects and not enough hours in the day. I...