For example, you might write the sentenceMiranda smiled atMirandain the mirror, where Miranda is both the subject and the object. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it sounds clunky and repetitive, and it also leaves room for error because there might be two Mirandas in the room. T...
Well, don’t knock this till you’ve tried it. You’re writing along, and you’ve come to the place where your villain needs to act in some evil way. Your virtual online writingcoachhas urged you to be sure he haspropermotivation. What does this mean? He can’t be bad, do bad, ...
What Does It Mean to Be Trans? Transgenderis a general term that describes people whose gender identity, or their internal sense of being male, female, or something else, does not match thesexthey were assigned at birth. By contrast, the termcisgenderdescribes people whose gender identity alig...
New Analytics data does not display for unpublished courses. Users can view New Analytics only if their course role permission includes Analytics - view pages. Because mobile page view data is based on device settings and network connection, it may vary from the time the page views actually occu...
This shift can also mean a change in preferred pronouns. While many gender-fluid people prefer they/them pronouns, others may use she/her, him/his or xe/xem/xyr. Preference can change with gender expression. There are a lot of misconceptions about gender fluidity. It does not determine one...
Gender nonconformity is simply not conforming to gender roles. In practice, it can mean things as simple as a woman wearing a tie or something as complex and life-changing asadopting new pronouns. There are obvious issues with using "nonconformity" as a way to describe people who don't fo...
10 Look a the relative pronouns in Activity 9 What does each refer to①( people,things or possessions)? Then use proper relative clauses to completethe sentences.看一看活动9中的关系代词。每个指代什么(人、事物还是所属关系)?然后用合适的定语从句完成句子。1 Paul was a basketbal player保罗是一个...
When is it appropriate to use "himself" in a sentence? "Himself" is used when the subject of the sentence performs an action on himself or for adding emphasis. 15 How does "himself" differ from "him" in usage? "Himself" is a reflexive pronoun used to refer back to the subject of th...
210 Look at the relative pronouns in Activity 9. What does each refer to(people, things or possessions)? Then use proper relative clausesto complete the sentences.1 Paul was a basketball player2 His favourite player was a guy3 He played in the team4 He helped his team win the game 反馈...
Common prepositions include "in," "on," "at," "by," and "with." They are integral to providing context and clarity in sentences. Proposition, on the other hand, refers to a statement or an idea that is put forward for consideration or discussion. It is often used in the context of ...