To cut or tear into shreds. Grated To irritate or annoy persistently It always grates me to get put on hold. Shredded To use a mechanical shredder to shred (paper documents, for example). Grated (Archaic) To rub or wear away. Shredded To make a series of quick turns on a wave or sn...
Shred documents with your personal information listed, never keep your Social Security card in your wallet, and be cautious about who you share your personal information with. Also, be alert and don’t fall prey to all the different types of fraud out there—they’re everywhere, and most of...
No, stock ticker tape is not still used. It gradually phased out with the prominence of television that would visually show the information that used to be on ticker tape. The information that was seen on ticker tape, however, is now often presented electronically in different areas and ways,...
If you feel like you're drowning in documents, it's probably time for some cleaning. However, you have to be careful about what you keep and what you shred. Once…
Enron Europe was the first domino, filing for bankruptcy after close of business on Nov. 30. The rest of Enron followed suit on Dec. 2.13Early the following year, Enron dismissed Arthur Andersen as itsauditor, citing that the auditor had yielded advice to shred evidence and destroy documents....
Even if the information in the trashed document is not enough to execute a complete theft of your identity, it can be used by the thief to confirm who you are. It is best to shred your old mail instead of just throwing it in the garbage. Phishing and spam attacks An attacker may ...
‘Destroy’ logs:Just as you would shred any hard copy documents that are no longer needed, it’s important to delete logs that are either obsolete or logs that are not being used by your company yet act as a potential security threat. ...
Return borrowed books, documents, and other items to owners Drop off books and materials to public or private libraries Filing Cabinet Place old or inactive files into archives Purge expired or unnecessary client, customer, and project folders ...
Also, select the type of shredder you would like the company to use for your documents because some paper shredding machines only shred documents into horizontal or vertical stripes that could be quickly put back together and misused by anyone for purposes such as blackmailing. It is crucial to...
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