Pari passu is a Latin phrase that means "equal footing." When used in a legal context, "pari passu" is most commonly used to...
This is a contract that is recognized by law and can be upheld in court. What is a legally binding obligation? A legally binding obligation is a duty or commitment that is recognized by law and enforced by the court. What does legally bound to do mean? Being legally bound means that ...
Holographic wills are only recognized in half of the states, however. In states that permit the documents, the will must meet minimal requirements, such as proof that the testator wrote it and had the mental capacity to do so. Even then, the absence of witnesses often leads to challenges to...
Probate court is the legal process of distributing someone's estate after they've passed away. This guide will walk you through how it works and what you should expect.
Parental rights can be a tricky thing to navigate for unmarried couples, and these benefits vary more than most from state to state. In some areas, for example, domestic partner benefits mean that they can jointly adopt a child, where other jurisdictions may complicate the issue. ...
'or to go on a holiday, do it. If you find on the way that you don't want to, don't bother.' It is the best situation anyone could be in. It satisfies their need for superiority. They are like God and can do what they please. On the other hand, it does not fit very .....
but it does not mean 'entering into Nirvana'. 但这字的意思并非「入于涅槃」。 Parinibbuto simply means 'fully passed away', 'fully blown out' or 'fully extinct', 这字简单的意义,只是「完全谢世」、 「完全熄灭」或「圆寂」而已。 because the Buddha or Arahant has no re-existence after his...
1. What does contingency mean? 2. What are the implications of contingency theory for managers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a home? Why could an insurance company with substantial investments in real estate represent a risk?
But let’s go back a moment to revisit the big mistakes that I previously discussed. These come from the criteria for band 7 and 8, which refer to “uncommon” and “less common lexical items.” What does this mean, exactly? Certainly, it appears that the examiners expect you to usesom...
What does this mean? Ultimately, if a company isn’t handling its data correctly (that’s the smoke), this is a symptom of bigger problems across the organization (the fire). So, by investing in resources that enable them to collect, store, and use their data correctly, organizations are...