Paraclete but his very Lord and Superior. His pure and true words were adulterated and mixed with myth and legend. For a time he was expected at any moment to come down from the clouds with legions of angels. The Apostles had all passed away; the second coming of Jesus Christ was delaye...
What Does Islam Mean WhatDoes"Islam"Mean? Theword"Islam" itselfmeans"Submission to Allah." The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of "Christianity" which was named after Jesus Christ‚ "Buddhism" after Gutama Buddha ‚ "Marxism" after Karl Marx‚ and "Confu...
1. The Periqlyte is not the "Consoler" nor the "Intercessor." We have fully shown the material impossibility of discovering the least signification of "consolation" or of "intercession". Christ does not use Paraqalon. Besides, even from a religious and moral point of view the idea of co...
The Details of the Question Why do Muslims call Jesus “Masih”? What does it mean? What is the role of Christ in the religion of Islam? Submitted by Hussein on Mon, 20/06/2011 - 12:26 The Answer Dear Brother / Sister, a. The word Masih, which is a nicknam...
The Quran is the holy scripture of Islam, believed to be the word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad, while the Bible is the sacred text of Christianity, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.
It is about Islamic apologetics and refuting Christianity and deviant Muslim sects. It is also about learning Islam.
Islam is a major religion, particularly in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Mormonism is a new religion, while Zoroastrianism is an old one. Mythology The science which treats of myths; a treatise on myths. Religion (uncountable) The way of life committed to by monks and nuns. The monk ...
Offering a single definition of deism poses a challenge since, unlike in Christianity or Islam, there is no holy book or creation story. “’Deism’ is usually a rather broad classification of theological belief rather than a discrete, sociologically distinct religious affiliation,” according to th...
It is not the business of religion in these days to isolate herself from the world like John the Baptist. She must go down into the world like Jesus Christ. — Hugh Reginald Haweis 3 A brave world, sir, full of religion, knavery, and change: we shall shortly see better days. — ...
No. Does it mean Americans all have the same opinion on the continuance of slavery in American Prison’s? No. The Constitution is a symbol of American law, values, and ethics just as the Sharia is a symbol of Islam’s laws, values, and ethics. For a more comprehensive discus...