0 RuntimeExtension.class -- What does the ".class" mean? 0 What exactly is MyClassName.class in Java -1 what is .class in java? 0 Where does the class member come from? 27 How does a '.class' property work? 1 What is wrong with this switch statement? 5 How is a class litera...
How does the "&" operator work in a PHP function? What does & in &2 mean in PHP? When should I use a bitwise operator? Is there ever a need to use ampersand in front of an object? (&$) =& References Reference assignment operator in PHP, =& What do the "=&" and "&=" oper...
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated about_ActiveDirectory_Filter Absolute Newbie Scripting Question Accepting single quote character in powershell script arguement Acces denied export Start Layout Access denied error when executing the Invoke-Command Access denied...
our callsites can end up invoking different methods. So perhaps I pass in a Foo or it’s child – Baz – which also implements a bar(). How does your compiler know which method to invoke?
"Invocate" means to call upon in prayer, while "invoke" encompasses a broader range of summoning or citing.
The explanation displayed in services.msc, "Manages communication between system components." is a bit vague.I mean, so long as the term "system components" does not refer to communication between a component on my computer and another component on a windows server, somewhere, that's alright,...
I can understand why one would use dbus-launch --autostart, but that does not seem to be the case anywhere, right? So the only remaining use-case I see is to spawn temporary dbus sessions for development, testing, containers, etc. In those cases, I honestly think just sticking with dbus...
This phase indicates that BackingStore is ready to be used. It does not necessarily always mean that the store is completely healthy. The following modeCodes can be on the backing store even though it is marked ready: Raw DELETING SCALING ...
These new features don’t mean built-in interop solutions like built-in runtime managed/unmanaged marshalling or Windows COM interop aren’t useful — we know they are and that people have come to rely upon them. Those features that have been historically built into the runtime continue to ...
Some very important points on Java Enum: Point-1 Allenums implicitly extendjava.lang.Enum. Since Java does not support multipleinheritance, an enum cannot extend anything else. Point-2 Enum in Java are type-safe:Enum has there own name-space. It means your enum will have a type for examp...