While empathy (同理心) may be good for us and others, what does itintimates more often and have more opportunities for empathy. However, heactually look like in real life? To know this, Greg Depow at the Universitysays, people also naturally empathize with strangers.of Toronto and his col...
Just as politicians do not have enough information about business and may be prepared to defer to expert practitioners; business does not have enough information about politics and may be prepared to defer to politicians. Socialization may also underpin the partisan-social motivation. Businesspeople ...
What Does Slub Mean in Clothing? Furthermore, formal clothing made of slub knit fabric is uncommon. However, formal clothing made from slub silk materials like Shantung silk would be the exception. The garment gains a premium sheen from this kind of silk, which does not quickly lose its shap...
Does such a statement mean to distinguish between the abstract (the word) and the concrete (the physical manifestation)? In that case we would be indulging in the ancient philosophical question of the relationship between form and substance. There is actually an historical reason such estimates ...
As I mentioned earlier, Millennials particularly suffer from this problem of the ‘deaf effect’, which does mean it is up to the pre-Millennial generations to discover and initiate support for this breakthrough, all-important understanding of the human condition....
What does such a communal ethic prescribe for the coronavirus pandemic? Might it forbid one from social distancing, at least away from intimates? Or would it entail that social distancing is wrong to some degree, although morally permissible on balance? Or could it mean that social distancing ...
(perhaps resurrected), not disembodied souls, who are compensated. However, the fact that there exists a dedicated world for compensation does not mean that there is no evidence of reward or compensation inthisworld, the world of action. The true rewards may all come in the world of ...
The goodness of home life intimates the promise of eternal goodness and in doing so reveals our need for an eternal salvation. *** Finally, I find it unfortunate that Gress and Mering seldom pull from literature and art to think about the home. Their preferred sources seeming to be saints,...
Does choosing to create pulse-based music mean one is succumbing to American cultural imperialism? Following on from Ronan Guilfoyle’s article in the Nov-Dec JMI on the relationship of jazz and contemporary music to society today, composer Raymond Deane and jazz bassist Guilfoyle tease out the ...
Why does Nora refuse Dr. Rank's help?He intimates that he loves her. Does Nora ever leave the house? Nora leaves her family at the end of the play because she realizes that she does not know her own mind or have her own opinions and values. She says that she was her father's "...