Insoluble means incapable ofdissolvingin asolvent. It is rare for absolutely nosoluteto dissolve at all. However, many substances are poorly soluble. For example, very little silver chloride dissolves in water, so it is said to be insoluble in water. Note a compound may be insoluble in one ...
定位到第三段“…amplifyand transmit the vibrations to the oval window,a membrane on the surface of the cochlea,the organ of hearing”可知,membrane为耳蜗表层的一种东西,并且能放大并传播震动。根据上下文,只有“薄膜”的含义最能体现这种功能。故本题答案为C。 The geology of the Earth’s surface is...
What is soluble ribonucleic acid? What does fat soluble mean? What does insoluble mean? What are water soluble vitamins? What is an example of solubility? What is an alkaline solution? What is a solvent? What are the classifications of solutions?
What are water soluble vitamins? What is the definition of a strong base? What are examples of strong bases? What is neutralization? What is an example of solubility? What is the conjugate base of HS? What does insoluble mean? What is a strong acid?
Fiber is extremely important when it comes to healthy poops. It is the binding substance that gives poop its form and helps it move through the digestive tract. There are two kinds of fiber, both of which play a role in creating healthy poops: insoluble andsoluble fiber. The difference be...
What does it mean for a problem to be solvable? A problem is solvable if there is a method or process to find a solution, answer, or explanation. 15 Can all substances be made soluble? No, solubility depends on the chemical nature of the substance and the solvent; some substances are ...
What does the word insoluble mean? : not soluble: such as. a : incapable of being dissolved in a liquid and especially water also : soluble only with difficulty or to a slight degree. b : having or admitting of no solution or explanationan insoluble problem. c archaic : indissoluble. ...
Soluble fibers include guar gum, psyllium, pectin and beta-glucan, Katz notes. You’ll find soluble fiber in citrus fruits, apples, oats, barley, beans, peas, lentils, carrots and broccoli. Insoluble fiber, which doesn’t dissolve in water, reduces transit time in the gastrointestinal tract ...
What’s more, flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, making them an excellent choice for improving digestive health, and research suggests they may also improve metabolic health. Make sure to grind your flaxseed or purchase ground flaxseed so that you can get all of its benefits (...
(intransitive) To change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse. Phosphoric acid in certain fertilizers reverts. Reverse To direct that (a charge) apply to the person receiving instead of making a telephone call. Revert (intransitive) To take up again or return to a...