Snapchat, or Instagram. It helps us fill in many emotional and expressive cues, which are otherwise not available through texts. Over the years, many emojis covering life’s aspects have been added. However, often people find it harder to find the emoji meanings, especially if it’s a newl...
"Non-theism" means "without God" just as "atheism" does. Since "atheist" often has negative connotations, some may prefer the term "non-theist" because it is less emotionally freighted. Non-theism has the connotation of secular and is often used to mean that the existence of God is irre...
You will wake up to an infinity plunge pool, posh décor, and butler service as part of your stay. Tranquility Soaking Tubs™ included! Seeing is believing: Skypool Suites at Sandals Grenada. Swim up rooms At the most Sandals resorts in Jamaica and the Bahamas you’ll find luxurious ...
[00:15:24] Clay Hebert: draw an infinity symbol here because one point I want to make is you can have as many intros as you want It’s called the perfect intro. It could be called the perfect intro so you can add a little s there The idea behind this don’t get stuck on I ha...
First things first: What does a promise ring mean, exactly? The true meaning of a promise ring is commitment. It's given by one partner as a token of their fidelity, and in turn worn by the other to show that the commitment is mutual. Something that often trips people up is the diff...
Regulus - the “Heart of the Lion” is one of the four bright royal stars which are positioned along the ecliptic (path of the Sun). He is said to be the most royal of them all, and as the name suggests, his emanations hold the nectar of the Leonian energy - a very positively ...
promoted by the separate self as the way to make sense of this world. But authentic consciousness quickly shakes all of that off its back, and settles instead into a glance that sees only a radiant infinity in the heart of all souls and breathes into its lungs only the atmosphere of an ...
Seinen does not have to mean dark or gritty. “Cute schoolgirl comedy” shows such asK-On!,Non Non Biyori, andYuru Campare also categorized as seinen. These seinen school comedies may give older audiences a feeling of nostalgia or escapism (in addition to being funny, of course). There’s...
Today we pause the contest for a short post that while, yes, does have some grandmothering in it, also is about my daughter. So I’m sort of breaking my rules, but since I told my daughter I wanted to write it, and she is expecting it, here it is. Before she became a mother ...
“local” structure, such as having a strong tendency to be odd (which is local information at the 2 place), or obeying the prime number theorem (which is local information at the infinity place)), but we still do not have fully satisfactory tools for establishing the absence of a ...