How do you spell Inappetent? in·ap·pe·tence n. Lack of appetite. What does the word appetites mean? 1 :a natural desire especially for food. 2 : a desire or liking for something an appetite for adventure. appetite. noun. History of the F Word...
When it does, wemay find that leadership that is as simple as possible and no simpleris not only attainable but also highly infectious. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAny contribution of this kind stands on the shoulders of others; thisbook certainly does. Some are people I have never met, but theirthinking ...
understanding the Other, and that most of our personal treasures are those that we have laughed about, cried about, lived through, together with other human beings. And evidently there is currently a hiatus on much of this joint experiencing. Yet, that does not mean that loneliness must be ...
Altamont was the product of diabolical egotism, hype, ineptitude, money manipulation, and, at base, a fundamental lack of concern for humanity. “Jagger was very, very shattered,” according to an associate who was with the Stones post-Altamont. “I cannot overemphasize how depressed and down ...
So, resist the temptation to do too much too soon. Savour your journeys slowly, allowing each experience to sink in and take root. Doing less does not mean experiencing less – quite the opposite. By travelling more intentionally, by allowing yourself to fully immerse in each place, you keep...
So, what does that mean for their (academic) careers? Will they be lone advocates and pioneers in otherwise not very conducive academic environments? As Felt and colleagues (2013) describe, early- career researchers grapple to reconcile the demands of transdisciplinarity with other normative ...
Zhou Enlai said, “Look, we are Communists. I am Communist. But this does not mean that we follow everything that Mao Zedong says.” And that’s how the idea came that Chinese Communism is different from Moscow Communism. So when Sir John Kotelawala presented the idea that there is a ...
Characterized by ineptitude, dullness, or a lack of merit A dismal book. A dismal performance on the cello. Dismay To cause to feel apprehension; great sadness, or fear; to deprive of energy Dismal (Obsolete) Dreadful; disastrous. Dismay To render lifeless; to subdue; to disquiet. Dismal Ch...
Gen Z is poised to be the most influential generation ever, and many businesses are not prepared to meet the expectations of this growing cohort of employees and consumers. It is important for boards to understand what drives Gen Z and how this generation is already having an impact on board...
the other hand, while there is less desire to express an individual identity, a problem of group think emerges where people are less willing to put forward original or controversial ideas. Nepotism, ineptitude and laziness thrive too in what has become a less measured and less competitive world...