In Matthew 24:35, Jesus tells us, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” When we read these words of Jesus, we can become confused by their meaning. What did Jesus mean when He said, “Heaven and Earth will pass away?”...
In John 14:6, I argue that the Johannine Jesus made several extraordinary ontological claims. By calling himself "the way," Jesus declared himself the embodiment of the spirit of Torah, whose very person comprised the goal to which Torah pointed. By calling himself "the truth," Jesus ...
MANY Bible students have attempted to prove that when Jesus said,“It is easier for a camel to go through theeye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven,”the phraseeye ofa needlereferred to the small gate that was opened in the great gate of an Oriental city...
What Does it Mean to Love Our Enemies? In the two portions of scripture where Jesus elaborates on what He means by loving our enemies, He draws it to a conclusion. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and...
Now, let’s apply this to productivity. “Hating your life” does not mean you don’t seek to grow your business as much as you can, or that you don’t seek to advance in your career. Rather, it means that you do so in line with Jesus’ commands. That will often involve sacrifice...
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What Does Jesus Mean by Ask, Seek, and Knock? EPISODE 427Sermon on the Mount E32 ? In his fourth teaching on relationships and conflict in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his listeners to ask God for what they need. Because the three previous teachings don't directly tell us ...
What Did Jesus Mean When He said, “The Eye is the Lamp of the Body”? We answer that question in this week’s episode.Show NotesWhat Is A Fully Devoted Follower of Christ?Is Debt a Sin?What Does It Mean to Have Your Life Hidden in Christ with God?(...
mean?"翻译成 Kadazan Dusun 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 What does it mean to “turn around”? Nunu rati do “gumuli”? jw2019 What does it mean when the Bible says that Adam was made “in God’s image”? Nunu rati’d soira minoboros o Baibol dot nowonsoi i Adam...
What lessons can we take away from this story? What does Jehovah Nissi—The-Lord-Is-My-Banner—mean to us today? God does not leave us to fight our battles in our own strength. When Israel faced the Amalekites, they were former slaves in Egypt, not experienced soldiers. But God fought...