What does LMY stand for? LMY is a chat or textspeak acronym that stands for “love and miss you.” This common abbreviation is used on social media sites like Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more. It is also commonly used in SMS texting or via instant messengers. This is ...
How is IMY different from IMYT in texting? IMY and IMYT are both abbreviations that express missing someone, but they differ slightly in their meaning. IMY stands for “I miss you,” while IMYT stands for “I miss you too.” IMYT is typically used in response to a message containing ...
It continued to be popular in chat rooms during the rise of the internet and continues to be used in texting today. HMU can be used to make plans: It can also be used when someone contacts you: What does BTW mean in texting? BTW is an acronym for “by the way” that can be ...
Sometimes the "F" inRTFMis said to stand for a less offensive replacement term for "fuck", such as "freaking", "fricking", "frickin'", etc. As in: RTFM= Read thefreakingmanual. RTFM= Read thefrickingmanual. RTFM= Read thefrickin'manual. ...