It does not help that Markram made some rather intemperate comments below his lengthy statement in which he questions the value of studying climate denial, suggests that the authors of Recursive Fury look like “the biggest nutters” (presumably compared to climate deniers), and clearly implies t...
you really don't see many audiences willing to go where their leaders take them once said audience gets comfortable with a position---i mean even the beatles imploded 5 years post spiritual enlightenment. i mean did we really expect the most thoughtful mature considerate act in music to be ...
In early 2023, everybody was talking about hard vs soft landing. SVB collapse changed the picture. Now we have no landing. The extravagant amount of liquidity pushes the system with an enormous thrust, so much that it does not allow any possibility of landing. The current economy is like a...
into a building of chemistry labs. although born in new zealand, mckubre has an almost english accent, and his voice is well modulated, as if he once took acting lessons. he's relaxed, witty, and charming. when i ask to see one of the laboratories, he opens a door for me, then ...
I don’t know what happened to the glut of dramas in December. I only have one new drama this January and it won’t premiere till the end of this month. That’s okay. I’m currently watching: “Alchemy of Souls 2: Light and Shadow” – it ends this weekend ...